Tropical Cyclone Idai ripped through Mozambique March 4 - 21, 2019. The Category 3 storm made landfall in the early hours of March 15 with 110 mph winds and heavy rains devastating this southern African country. More than 1.8 million people have been affected, at least 110,000 have sought refuge in camps and over 5000 of cases of Cholera have been identified. Our partners at Waves For Water will be on the ground next week with the task of providing immediate clean water access for up to 100,000 people.Â
Our initial goal with any relief initiative is to help mitigate the suffering by providing victims with access to safe water, critical in preventing or limiting the spread of waterborne illnesses. If you don’t have the means to help financially, please help us by spreading the word  #WavesForWater #Mozambique #CleanWater #Donate #Aid #Water
Companies such as life straw can provide clean drinking water from many infested water supplies for up to 5 YEARS! The LifeStraw Home is the only water filtration pitcher that protects against bacteria, including E. coli, parasites, microplastics, heavy metals including lead, mercury, chromium III, cadmium and copper, and organic chemical matter like pesticides and herbicides. #WeNeedYou #PayItForward #LoveOurSpecies